Interoperable Standard for
Advanced Meter Management & Smart Grid
PRIME (PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution) today is a mature, consolidated and worldwide PLC standard for Advanced Metering, Grid Control and Asset Monitoring applications and the objective to establish a set of open international PLC standards has been met. With an increased number of PRIME certified products interoperability among equipment and systems from different manufacturers has been achieved. Over 20 million PRIME meters are deployed in over 15 countries worldwide.

Latest News
For all PRIME Alliance and Member Press Releases click here
Powering the future: Learn how PRIME Alliance and Corinex’s DynamiX are revolutionizing Energy Grids
PRIME Benefits
To learn more about the Alliance click here, to read about the Technology benefits click here
PRIME is a vendor independent and license free public communication standard based on utility owned assets.
Non-proprietary, license free open standard that results in lower meter device costs (CAPEX) & lower communication carrier cost (OPEX).
Decentralized network architecture approach provides distributed intelligence with actionable intelligence at site. Distributed intelligence eliminates bulk risks.
A solution serving utilities communication needs due to vertical integration of medium- and low voltage networks, in-home and distributed energy resources.
The sole PLC based open standard that is fully mass deployment proven, providing a mature and complete ecosystem.
A system platform based on open standards eases the integration of future communications, grid monitor & control solutions in MV, LV and in-home networks
Latest Interviews & Videos
For all interviews click here, for all technology related videos click here
Ali Mulla (El Sewedy), Member
Interview with ESI AFRICA
at Enlit Africa, 2024.
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fornié, PRIME Secretary General
Christos Aslanidis (Renesas), Board Member
Alfredo Sanz (Microchip), Principal Member
Interview with Smart Energy TV
at Enlit Europe, 2023.
Ali Mulla, Member
Interview with ESI AFRICA,
at Enlit Africa 2023
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Becoming a PRIME Alliance regular member is open to all potential players in the energy industry who agree to actively support and promote an open and public specification for the benefit of the end-user and all industry stakeholders. The Alliance has two categories of participants: Principal Members and Regular Members. More information can be found here.
Certification is at the heart of the PRIME Alliance, with interoperability and conformance to specifications as fundamental two concepts for PRIME. ITE, DNV-GL And Tecnalia are independent laboratories that carry out PRIME testing and certification for our member’s products help to ensure these fundamentals are consistently met. For more information, please click here.
PRIME Alliance has currently developed specification for PRIME v1.4 and v1.3, ITU-T Recommendations and IEEE 1901.2. All PRIME Specifications can be found here.
PRIME’s technology is developed in the Technical Working Group’s (TWG) technical task forces (TFs). PRIME Alliance currently has 8 TFs: PHY, MAC, Application, Certification, DLMS/COSEM, WAN, Non-PLC and BPL. All members of the PRIME Alliance are able to join the task forces and access the technology in the members zone. To join the PRIME Alliance as a member, please click here.