SEI Podcast – The secret of reliable smart meter communication and standards (Arkossa & Renesas)
Christos Aslanidis (Senior Principal Engineer at Renesas Electronics Europe and Board member PRIME Alliance) and Victor Domínguez (Chief Executive Officer, Arkossa Smart Solutions), both PRIME PAD Sponsors, talk about the evolution to and from PRIME v1.4 and the improved reliability, robustness and frequency coverage that the new version delivers, as well as the interoperability brought to the table by PRIME+.
Click here to listen to the entire podcast and discover the secrets of reliable smart meter communication and the importance of industry standards.
Interested in more insights? Check out Christos’ article about the evolution of the smart metering where he explains that PRIME’s initiative is based on a well-defined DLMS/COSEM Companion Specification that ensures interoperability even on the application level.