The PRIME Alliance (PRIME = PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution) is focused on the development of a new open, public and non-proprietary telecom solution which will support not only smart metering functionalities but also the progress towards the Smart Grid. Power line communications is the most suitable and natural technology to provide the needed telecoms performance, even in complex underground electricity grids.

PRIME is a vendor independent and license free public communication standard based on utility owned assets.
Non-proprietary, license free open standard that results in lower meter device costs (CAPEX) & lower communication carrier cost (OPEX).
Decentralized network architecture approach provides distributed intelligence with actionable intelligence at site. Distributed intelligence eliminates bulk risks.
A solution serving utilities communication needs due to vertical integration of medium- and low voltage networks, in-home and distributed energy resources.
The sole PLC based open standard that is fully mass deployment proven, providing a mature and complete ecosystem.
A system platform based on open standards eases the integration of future communications, grid monitor & control solutions in MV, LV and in-home networks
The PRIME Alliance provides a forum for the creation of an open, single specification and standard for narrowband powerline for Smart Grid products and services. The mission of the Alliance is to accelerate the demand for products and services based on the worldwide standard and promote the broad adoption and use of the specification while promoting multi-vendor interoperability and compatibility with the global standard.
- To provide a forum for the creation (definition, establishment and support) of an open single specification and standard for narrowband powerline for SmartGrid products and services;
- To accelerate the demand for products and services based on the worldwide standard through the sponsorship of the market and user education programs;
- To encourage and to promote broad and open industry adoption and use of such specification; and
- To promote PRIME as a global powerline standard and to promote multi-vendor interoperability for markets/equipment and compatibility under the PRIME standard.
If you are interested in joining, please contact us at