Working Groups

Each PRIME Regular Member can join the Technical Working Group (TWG) and/or the Promotional Working Group (PWG). The Promotional WG is responsible for areas such as the PRIME Website, promoting PRIME at exhibitions and events, and promoting and coordinating PRIME efforts in standards bodies.

Promotional Committee

Technical Working Group

The Technical WG is responsible for working on the PRIME specifications and to act as the Certification task force. Companies joining the Technical Working Group may nominate a delegate to attend the meetings of each Task Force and need to remain active in their groups by regularly attending the pre-arranged conference calls

As a new PRIME member, the first step is to attend a Technical Working Group Welcome Workshop – this is an online ‘Welcome Workshop’ introducing all aspects of the Technical working group, so that you can decide how best to be involved. Please contact for more information on the ‘Welcome Workshops’.

There are currently eight different Task Forces: