18/09 – PRIME WEBINAR | PRIME Certification methodology, tool and latest specifications

18/09 – PRIME WEBINAR | PRIME Certification methodology, tool and latest specifications

PRIME Alliance is proud to announce the upcoming webinar on “PRIME Certification methodology, tool and latest specifications” on September 18, from 11:00 to 12:00 CET.

The session will be organized in collaboration with Tecnalia, and will count on the presentation of Marta Castro (Digital Lab Services Area Director), Saioa Bilbao (AMI System equipment expert), and Jonay Salas (Expert in PRIME protocol).


  • Certification methodology and Best Practices.
  • PRIME certification specification
  • PRIME certification testbook
  • PRIME certification tool (including a DEMO of the tool)

The webinar will present the PRIME protocol certification methodology, allowing you to delve into the latest specifications and witness a live demonstration of the certification tool. This session will guide attendees through the certification process and provide information on testing procedures.

Please contact communication@prime-alliance.org for any consultation.

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