Gridspertise joins PRIME Alliance Communication is the unsung hero of grid digitalization. Smart meters, for instance, use protocols, which enable communication with other devices or systems. They can be compared to different spoken languages: adapting to connectivity needs or the data they need to share. International standards and protocols help DSOs by allowing them to...
Category: Quick News
ADD Grup is starting a new large project in Romania for 700k electricity meters (PRIME Technology)
Romania continues to install smart electricity meters made by ADD Grup ADD Grup congratulates Eximprod, a strategic partner, for winning the tender from DISTRIBUTIE ENERGIE OLTENIA (DEO) to supply over 700,000 smart electricity meters for consumers in Romania. This achievement marks the third significant commercial project for mass meter rollout carried out by ADD Grup...
27/09 – PRIME WEBINAR | Use of Broadband Powerline in E.ON: Strength of Broadband Powerline technology and actual Status of Rollout
WEBINAR – Use of Broadband Powerline in E.ON: Strength of Broadband Powerline technology and actual Status of Rollout On September 27, 2023, from 11:00 to 12:00 (CET), PRIME Alliance organized a webinar in collaboration with PRIME member E.ON on “Use of Broadband Powerline in E.ON: Strength of Broadband Powerline technology and actual Status of Rollout”....
ADD Grup is preparing for a large-scale project in Spain to replace smart electricity meters based on Prime 1.4
At the beginning of the year, ADD Grup delivered a trial batch of 2500 electricity meters based on Prime 1.4 technology to Spain for the leading electricity supplier Iberdrola. This is of the four pilot projects that allows Iberdrola to fully prepare for the implementation of a large-scale program to replace electricity meters. We are talking about...
18/10 | PRIME WEBINAR | PRIME +: An easy definition of DLMS/COSEM profile and implementation in Smart Grid networks
WEBINAR – PRIME +: An easy definition of DLMS/COSEM profile and implementation in Smart Grid networks On October 18, 2023, from 11:00 to 12:00 (CET), PRIME Alliance organized a webinar in collaboration with Tecnalia on “PRIME +: An easy definition of DLMS / COSEM profile and implementation in Smart Grid networks”. This webinar helped attendances...
Tecnalia develops official PRIME Hybrid certification tool and validates the first service node from STMicroelectronics
Tecnalia develops official PRIME Hybrid certification tool and validates the first service node from STMicroelectronics Bilbao, Tuesday April 4 – TECNALIA, the largest centre of applied research and technological development in Spain, has developed the official tool for the automation of tests that allows the certification of PRIME Hybrid equipment ensuring compliance with specification requirements....
ADD Grup will manufacture 500,000 smart electricity meters and 4,500 data concentrators for EVN Bulgaria
We are glad to inform you, that one of our main partners – ADD Bulgaria signed a new frame contract for supplying Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions with Elektrorazpredelenie Yug EAD, owned by utility company EVN Bulgaria. Under this agreement, ADD Grup will manufacture for Bulgarian market 500,000 smart electricity meters ADDAX and 4,500 data concentrators over the next 6 years....
08/03 – PRIME WEBINAR | Egypt, the PRIME Capital of Africa
WEBINAR – Egypt, the PRIME Capital of Africa Next March 8, 2023, from 12:00 to 13:00 (EET), PRIME Alliance will organize a webinar on “Egypt, the PRIME Capital of Africa” in collaboration with El Sewedy Electrometer. Egypt as a focal point in the Middle East & Africa region is one of the first countries to...
IEEE ISPLC 2023 PRIME ALLIANCE is excited to announce that we have participated in this year’s IEEE ISPLC event as a Gold Sponsor (21- 22 March 2023 | Manchester, England). The 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC) was the 26th symposium dedicated to scientific and technical advances in the...