DLMS UA and PRIME Alliance Join Forces to Enhance Smart Metering Interoperability DLMS UA is pleased to announce the signing...

Neuron releases dual-frequency and dual-protocol PRIME Gateway
Neuron releases dual-frequency and dual-protocol PRIME Gateway Neuron announces the general availability of PRIME eco-system’s first dual-frequency Gateway, nFG. The nFG is a...

Renesas – Powerline Communication – “There’s life in the old dog yet!”
Renesas – Powerline Communication – “There’s life in the old dog yet” Narrowband powerline communication (NB-PLC) technologies enjoy enduring success...

Microchip PRIME1.4 Hybrid, a complete platform
Microchip – PRIME1.4 Hybrid, a complete platform Microchip Technology Incorporated offers, in the area of smart energy, a complete platform...

Gridspertise joins PRIME Alliance
Gridspertise joins PRIME Alliance Communication is the unsung hero of grid digitalization. Smart meters, for instance, use protocols, which enable...

ADD Grup is starting a new large project in Romania for 700k electricity meters (PRIME Technology)
Romania continues to install smart electricity meters made by ADD Grup ADD Grup congratulates Eximprod, a strategic partner, for winning...

ADD Grup is preparing for a large-scale project in Spain to replace smart electricity meters based on Prime 1.4
At the beginning of the year, ADD Grup delivered a trial batch of 2500 electricity meters based on Prime 1.4 technology to...

Tecnalia develops official PRIME Hybrid certification tool and validates the first service node from STMicroelectronics
Tecnalia develops official PRIME Hybrid certification tool and validates the first service node from STMicroelectronics Bilbao, Tuesday April 4 –...

ZIV is ready for the next PRIME 1.4 Rollout
ZIV is ready for the next PRIME 1.4 Rollout Tecnalia laboratory has just certified the new ZIV gateway as PRIME 1.4...

ADD Grup will manufacture 500,000 smart electricity meters and 4,500 data concentrators for EVN Bulgaria
We are glad to inform you, that one of our main partners – ADD Bulgaria signed a new frame contract...

08/03 – PRIME WEBINAR | Egypt, the PRIME Capital of Africa
WEBINAR – Egypt, the PRIME Capital of Africa Next March 8, 2023, from 12:00 to 13:00 (EET), PRIME Alliance will...