For Utilities

PRIME Benefits for new deployments

PRIME Alliance is in constant dialogue with utilities, integrating all the lessons learned from mass-deployment; consideration & implementation of utilities future needs is ensured.

As a utility and member of the PRIME Alliance, we can give you direct access to other utilities that have already experienced a PRIME trial, pilot or mass deployment.

In detail you can benefit from:

  • Insight and influence concerning upcoming PRIME features & specifications
  • Direct all-level access to PRIME utility members
  • Direct engineering level access to industry leading manufacturers
  • PRIME Utility repository documentation package

To learn more about our offering for utilities, please contact us at, we will be pleased to assist you.

PRIME User Group – annual conference

PRIME Alliance annually hosts utilities to join our annual PRIME User Group Conference, open for all utilities: members and non-members alike. During this two-day event, we highlight the importance and benefits of using PRIME Technology with testimonials from various utilities who have deployed or piloted PRIME Smart meters. To join the next event, please email

PRIME is proud to have celebrated five editions of Utility to Utility User Group Conferences since 2015: